What type of player are you?

You can roughly divide players into three types.
Which type do you recognize yourself in?


The recreational player

They gamble for fun. Recreational players gamble infrequently, take their winnings and only gamble with money they can afford to lose. 

If you recognize yourself in this player, you are a responsible player.  

Would you like some tips to keep gambling responsible? 

then visit this page

The risky player

They gamble for the thrill. Risky players often gamble longer, they bet more than they had planned and do not always get their winnings. 
If you recognize yourself in this player, it is important that you keep a close eye on your own gambling behavior and seek help in time.

Do you want to know what you can do to keep an eye on your gambling behavior?

Problem player

They gamble because the desire is too great. Gambling plays a central role in their lives and they can no longer live without it. 
If you recognize yourself in this player, it is wise to seek help. In the Netherlands you can be helped in various ways to get your gambling behavior back under control. 

If you want help from professional caregivers, we have listed a number of them for you here.

Do you think you have a problem with gambling? 


Then take our self-test. And check whether you are still in control! 

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