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Tips to keep sports betting fun 

If you are going to bet on sports, it should remain fun. Betting on matches can make things just that little bit more exciting. As you start betting more and more, it is important that you keep an eye on your budget. 

It is very wise to keep a close eye on the amount you want to spend on betting. Players who manage their budget well can play longer with the amount they have available, but they often also earn more than players without good budget management. 

Place a bet for fun

Betting on sports should above all be fun. Placing a bet every now and then doesn't have to be a problem.

Sometimes friends, family members or colleagues can influence you to make a bet even though you may not have the desire or money to do so. 

Stand strong and only place a bet if you want and can afford it!


Before you start betting, determine how much you can spend

It can sometimes be tempting to bet a large part of your playing budget on one bet. Especially when the odds are so lucrative that you can make a big hit. 

No matter how much you know about sports, betting on sports remains a game of chance. You, as a player, have no influence on the outcome of a match you bet on. So you can always lose. 

It's therefore important to spread your money. If you go all-in and lose the bet, no matter how certain it seemed, you're broke. That's of course a shame. 


Take your loss

It's unfortunate when you lose a bet. Especially if you have bet a somewhat larger amount.

It's tempting to bet money on bets with high odds (small chance of winning). But this can cause you to lose more and more money as the team or athlete you are betting on is unlikely to win. 

Don't combine too many matches

The more matches you combine, the more money you can win. This can be very tempting, because imagine that you have 12 competition layers correct: Huge win! 
In practice, this is often not the case, because the chance of correctly predicting 12 matches in a row is very small. 
Our tip is to keep bets in-check and not to place too many bets per week.


Be honest about how often you bet on sports betting

Being honest with yourself, but also with others, ensures that you maintain control over your sports betting. 

Do you notice that lying is becoming more and more common? Or do you forget how many times you have bet on a match or athlete? Then there is a good chance that you are developing a problem with betting. 
So keep a close eye on your betting behavior.

We have developed an online monitor card for this purpose that can give you insight into how often and when you bet. 


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Ask for advice if you notice that you are losing control

Do you feel like you're betting more and more? Or that you lose money that you actually cannot afford to lose?

Then it is wise to ask for help. Do you want to know where you can ask for help? Check our web page 'Help with gambling problems'. 


Check this page


Bet you can!

Sports betting monitor card 

Our sports betting monitor card provides tips to keep betting fun. 
With the help of this card you can make an informed choice about:
  • the total amount of bets
  • how often you want to bet
You can also easily keep track of your profits and losses.
We want to give you more insight and awareness about how much and how often you bet. 

Download monitor card

This monitor card can be completed digitally via PC, laptop, tablet or mobile phone. You do need Acrobat Reader for this. You can download this for free. 
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